Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Insurance Rant

Today I was looking over my bills from CCRM and trying to figure out what needs to be submitted to my insurance company for reimbursement. In further looking and after calling my insurance company to confirm, my insurance company did not and will not pay for anything we had done at CCRM. Not even the hysteroscopy or u/s. I am not completely surprised, just p*ssed.

The insurance company helps to pay for those who are alcoholics and need to go to treatment and for those who are trying to quit smoking, which are lifestyle choices (term used by the insurance company). I did not choose infertility...it chose me. Aren't I the lucky one?

So, while we paid over $30,000 in out of pocket expenses last year to bring a baby into our loving home, people went to AA and quit smoking and didn't pay a dime. Now, before everyone gets upset, I am NOT saying that the insurance company shouldn't pay for AA and smoking cessation. What I am saying is that in addition to covering medical treatment for lifestyle choices, IF treatments should also be covered by ALL insurance companies under EVERY plan.

On a happier note: I should be getting my official cycle calendar later today or tomorrow. We had some conflicts with the dates that we were trying to figure out so it has taken a couple of days to figure out. Woohoo!


Sue said...

I had this exact thing happen. I called the insurance company to get the address to send the forms to so that they can assess what amount I get back (for the real medical stuff- like some routine bloodwork and the hysteroscopy) and they wouldn't even let me send it in! I was so pissed. I don't yell at people just doing their job over the phone but I got nasty. And, your argument goes back to the fact that for years insurance companies refused to cover BCP's even if you took them for medical reasons, but they immediately started covering viagra regardless of your real reason for taking it. Hmmmm.....

kayjay said...

Doesn't stuff like this really tick you off? I know it drives me crazy. In Ontario, they will pay for sex change operations (talk about a personal choice there) but they won't pay for IVF unless you have bilateral blocked tubes. HUH??? I don't know how they would manage this, but I think there should be a discretionary amount to health coverage that you can choose how to direct based on your own personal needs rather than deciding for us...but I appreciate that it would be a nightmare to administer. As you said, I did not choose to be IF...IF chose us so why are we being penalized? In this day and age too when they are complaining that birth rates are dropping yet they won't help us?? Go figure.

Jill M. said...

Ugh, this kind of thing really urks me. Insurance companies are setup so unfairly when it comes to what they will and won't pay. IF should be covered as we don't choose to have it. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.